Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Information System (SICTI)

The Science, Technology and Innovation Information System (SICTI) forms part of the governance instruments of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System (SECTI). 

The SICTI was created in Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities as an instrument for data collection and analysis for the preparation and monitoring of the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (EECTI), and its development plans.

Network of Public R&D&I Policies (RECIDI)

A consultation tool is made available, the Spanish Network of R&D&I Centres (RECIDI), which incorporates Spanish institutions, centres and infrastructures where R&D&I activities are carried out.

Datos y Cifras de I+D+I

Este espacio ofrece indicadores básicos del Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SECTI). El objetivo de este apartado es poder visualizar de forma sencilla y con carácter global los principales indicadores del SECTI relativos a distintos ámbitos: gasto en I+D, Presupuestos, ayudas públicas, resultados de la investigación, etc.

Global system data

This section presents the main overall context data for the SECTI. Data on R&D Expenditure and Human Resources are included. All the information collected in this section comes from the INE Statistics on R&D activities and its objective is to contextualise the information presented under the rest of the headings in this section by giving an overview of the SECTI.

R&D&I expenditure budget

This section contains information on the budget appropriations allocated to R&D&I by the different public administrations. The initial appropriations and budget execution of the national government (AGE) are presented, broken down by Ministry and body, as well as those of the Autonomous Communities (CCAA), both in terms of spending policy 46 and other spending programmes with R&D&I allocations.

Public R&D&I actions

The SICTI provides information on public R&D&I actions carried out by the different administrations and public bodies, both from the AGE and the Autonomous Communities, in an attempt to answer questions such as: What type of R&D&I activity is funded? How is it financed? What is the planned budget allocated to each action? What is the awarding procedure? Who does the financial aid target?

State aid for RDI

In this section, the SICTI provides detailed information on state aid granted in the field of R&D&I, both by the central and regional governments: how much aid has been awarded in a given year?  who are the beneficiaries? where are the R&D&I activities carried out?  how much is the funding of the aid, and under which type has the aid been awarded?  what is the purpose of the aid?, etc.

Return state plan

The State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (PEICTI) brings together all the actions in the field of R&D&I that are implemented by the main funding agencies dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (AEI, CDTI, ISCIII) as well as the rest of the ministerial departments and affiliated bodies. You can consult relevant information regarding the territorial distribution of aid here, along with the type of beneficiaries in each area, the number of grants and the global amount for each region, etc. The source of information is the SICTI. 

Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Indicators

The first results of the Statistics on Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Indicators (TCI) prepared by the Ministry are presented. The data refer to universities, state and Autonomous Community public research organisations, and registered technology centres. The information is arranged in different sections according to their content: a) protection of results; b) exploitation agreements; c) contracts; d) collaboration and e) spin-offs. The reports can be browsed and have different selection options. Due to the complexity of the information contained, it is advisable to consult the methodological overview beforehand.

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