The RBD is located in the Doñana National Park, in the province of Huelva, in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.
It was created in 1964 by the CSIC and is managed by the Doñana Biological Station, a CSIC research institute based in Seville.
Its unique location makes it an ideal platform for field experiments and the exchange of experiences associated with the environmental impact of global change.
Facts and figures
- The RBD covers 6794 hectares, in addition to the 3214 hectares of the Guadiamar Biological Reserve.
- There are four ecosystems in the RBD: beach, dunes, Mediterranean scrubland and marshland.
- More than 700,000 waterbirds concentrate in the marsh every winter.
- The RBD databases have physical and biological records systematically collected over the last 30 years.