The unprecedented crisis caused by the coronavirus has had a response unprecedented in the history of the European Union: the largest stimulus package ever funded, comprising the new 2021-2027 EU budget (the new Multi-Annual Financial Framework) and the NextGenerationEU temporary instrument designed to promote recovery.
This space includes general aspects about the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the European fund that finances it: the Recovery and Resilience Facility. In addition, the various measures that this Ministry promotes in the Plan are covered in detail.
The reforms of component 17 aim to improve the efficacy and effectiveness of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System, to reward excellence and evaluate results, with the appropriate monitoring tools that harness the full potential of new information technologies to assess public policies. In short, it is about improving efficiency and accountability.
The Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System (SECTI) has achieved standards of research excellence that are completely comparable to its economic and geopolitical position in the international arena. However, the SECTI has to be strengthened in the 3 pillars on which it is based: (1) modernising scientific equipment and infrastructure, (2) scientific careers, and attracting and retaining talent, and (3) funding research projects aimed at public-private partnerships and the transfer of innovation.
To thus strengthen the SECTI, 9 investments are promoted, amounting to 3.456.685.000 euros.
Complementary plans with the CC.AA.
Strengthening of the agents of the Spanish System of science, technology and innovation
New generation of calls for research projects and pre-commercial public purchase
New scientific career
Knowledge transfer
Environment, climate change and energy
I+D+I sustainable aitomotive
Aerospace sector
Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE)
The Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) are strategic projects with a great capacity to boost economic growth, employment and competitiveness in the Spanish economy, with a high component of public-private partnerships, and transversal to the different administrations.
They are designed to be a mechanism for promoting and coordinating very high priority projects, particularly complex projects or those in which there is a clear market failure, significant externalities or insufficient investment capacity or initiative by the private sector. The aim is to contribute to the agile and efficient management of funds and to strengthen projects that contribute clearly to the transformation of the Spanish economy.
They will be open to all types of companies (large companies, SMEs and emerging companies) that operate in the area of activity in which they are developed.
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RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO | Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid |
FINALIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO | Registrar, gestionar y tramitar las consultas, quejas y sugerencias formuladas al Ministerio por la ciudadanía. |
BASE JURÍDICA | Artículo 6.1.c) del RGPD: el tratamiento es necesario para el cumplimiento de una obligación legal aplicable al responsable del tratamiento. |
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INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL | Puede consultar información adicional en la Política de privacidad y protección de datos de la página web del Ministerio. |