National Science and Technology Museum

The Spanish National Science and Technology Museum (MUNCYT) is a state-owned museum, affiliated with the General Secretariat for Research of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and managed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). The MUNCYT acts as a social point of reference and meeting point in science and technology, since it is considered that each citizen has an important role to play in science and technology.

It holds more than 17,000 items, including scientific instruments, technological devices, transport vehicles, machines and industrial tools, dating from the 16th century to the present day. "Unique witnesses" of the evolution of science and technology based in Madrid and A Coruña. In addition, the MUNCYT organises talks, recreational and scientific activities, educational workshops, collaboration in the training of science teachers and catalogue publications.

Royal Botanical Garden

A research and exhibition centre that is home to 5,000 species of living plants to promote knowledge, conservation and enjoyment of plants and their natural environment.

Scientific research into plants and fungi aims to describe, interpret and synthesise knowledge of the diversity of the plant world and to make the objectives and results of research projects known to both science professionals and citizens.

The exhibition of living plants and the conservation of dry plants (the herbarium) is the long-standing practice of the art of gardening and the preservation of a unique historical and cultural heritage. This makes the Royal Botanical Garden a very attractive place where educational programmes and tours for children and adults are organised.

Geominero Museum

It preserves important collections of minerals, rocks and fossils, and has well-known deposits from the world register.

The Geominero Museum's objectives are to preserve, research and disseminate the richness and diversity of geological, palaeontological and mineralogical heritage. It has important collections of minerals, rocks and fossils from all the Spanish regions and old colonial territories, as well as well-known deposits from the world register.

The continued highlighting of its collections through research and dissemination by means of subject catalogues has positioned the Museum among the most important of its kind in Spain. Apart from their scientific importance, these collections have great historical value as their origins date back to the creation of the Commission for the Geological Map of Spain in 1849.

National Natural Science Museum

The National Natural Science Museum is one of the most important scientific research institutes in the country in the field of natural sciences.

Scientific collections, exhibitions and educational activities that promote the transfer of knowledge of the diversity of the natural world to society. The museum also carries out cutting-edge scientific research in areas such as paleobiology, geology, ecology and climate change. These collections also preserve one of the best existing historical archives on natural sciences.

The Museum's collections are actively integrated into European networks and offer researchers the opportunity to obtain large-scale data on various areas.

Student Residence

The Student Residence, founded in 1910, was the first cultural centre in Spain and one of the most outstanding and fruitful experiences of scientific and artistic exchange and creation in Europe in the interwar period.

Today, the residence a is once again one of the most original centres in the Spanish cultural landscape.

It fosters continuous dialogue between science and the arts, and acts as a reception centre for the international avant-garde. An open space for debate, critical reflection and creation, where nearly 3,000 researchers, artists and other professionals are accommodated each year.

The Student Residence conducts research projects along two main lines: the study and dissemination of their historical legacy and the analysis of current thinking trends.

Science House

The Science House is the centre of scientific dissemination of the National Scientific Research Council in Seville. It offers the public exhibitions on invertebrate life, molluscs and virtual tours of the Doñana Bio-Reserve.

The Museum has permanent exhibitions that address some of science's universal themes, such as the large species that inhabit our seas and the long history of geological transformations that the Earth has undergone, especially in the province of Seville.

It also offers another permanent installation, the Planetarium, which aims to bring the fantastic world of celestial bodies closer to all ages through a wide range of projections. Every weekend, demonstrations and tours are arranged to bring science closer to society.

RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid
FINALIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO Registrar, gestionar y tramitar las consultas, quejas y sugerencias formuladas al Ministerio por la ciudadanía.
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