Major international research infrastructure

Spain has a long history of participating in major international research facilities, which has been fundamental to developing Spanish research's internationalisation, thereby promoting the mobility and training of our researchers and technicians in these bodies and facilitating the coordination of the guidelines and activities of the State research programmes with those of the other partners. In this context, states decide to jointly fund the costs of building and operating major research infrastructure, signing long-term commitments as part of international agreements.

Spain participates in numerous international research infrastructure, the facilities of which are open to Spanish scientists and technicians.

European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) was created with the aim of developing a common approach to European policies on research infrastructure, which is considered a key element in building the European Research Area.

Using ESFRI Roadmaps as a strategic instrument and thanks to the joint effort of EU and EC countries, Europe has a wide range of research infrastructure in place, covering all scientific domains, of which Spain participates in 21.


E-Science is understood as the set of scientific activities developed through the use of distributed resources that are accessible and shared on a network. Spain actively participates in the Pan-European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) and in the Spanish-Portuguese IBERGRID.

The e-science network was created in 2020 as an advisory body to the General Secretary of Research with the aim of promoting and coordinating activities related to e-science in Spain. 

RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid
FINALIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO Registrar, gestionar y tramitar las consultas, quejas y sugerencias formuladas al Ministerio por la ciudadanía.
BASE JURÍDICA Artículo 6.1.c) del RGPD: el tratamiento es necesario para el cumplimiento de una obligación legal aplicable al responsable del tratamiento.
DERECHOS RECONOCIDOS Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de sus datos, y de limitación u oposición a su tratamiento, a través del Procedimiento de ejercicio derechos datos personales disponible en la sede electrónica del Ministerio. Si considera que no se han tratado sus datos personales de acuerdo con la normativa, puede dirigirse al Delegado de Protección de Datos o bien presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (
INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL Puede consultar información adicional en la Política de privacidad y protección de datos de la página web del Ministerio.