Pulsed Laser Centre (CLPU)

Centro de Láseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos (CLPU)

The Pulsed Lasers Centre (CLPU), located in the Science Park of the University of Salamanca, is managed by a consortium co-funded by the General State Administration, the Regional Government of Castilla y León and the University of Salamanca.

The centre houses VEGA, a titanium-sapphire laser system with CPA (Chirped Pulse Amplification) technology capable of operating with a pulse duration of 30 femtoseconds and reaching a peak power of 1 petawatt. VEGA's architecture is the only one of its kind in the world, comprising three perfectly synchronised phases:

  • VEGA1, 20 terawatts at 10 shots per second,
  • VEGA2, 200 terawatts at 10 shots per second; and
  • VEGA3, 1 petawatt at 1 shot per second (one of the ten most powerful lasers in the world).

The facility is also equipped with other CPA lasers with a higher repetition frequency and the only laser in Spain with a phase-stabilised duration of just 6 femtoseconds.



Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU)

Edificio M5 – Parque Científico. c/ Adaja, 8. 37185 – Villamayor, Salamanca

+ 34 923 338 121


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