Investment 4. New scientific career

Nueva carrera científica

The new scientific career is another focus of the reform of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation: to create a new scientific career and to better support talent and its connection to the private sector. The new scientific career model aims to give stability to research staff, while emphasising objective external evaluation of scientific performance. To this end, this investment includes the reinforcement and updating of calls for the recruitment of research personnel and, among them, the support of this new figure when the modification of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation comes into force.

The reinforcement and updating of calls for the recruitment of research staff will be carried out in the following areas:

Call for "Industrial Doctors" grants (4-year contracts for the training of doctors in companies, encouraging their stabilisation) and Call for grants under the Torres Quevedo programme (3-year contracts for the recruitment of doctors in companies).

Calls for proposals for grants linked to the new scientific career. A set of three distinct instruments covering the different stages of the scientific career is envisaged, and for each of them corresponding calls for grants are established:

  • NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Grants aimed at facilitating the transition from pre-doctoral to post-doctoral training, including mobility support.
  • NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Grants for the consolidation of the post-doctoral stage, which will include a research grant.
  • Aid for the hiring of Stable Incorporation to SECTI (Tenure Track type figure). Grants that will accompany a permanent employment contract within the framework of the Public Employment Offer of the Public Administrations, in combination with an additional endowment for research (start-up package). This additional research funding is financed under the Recovery Plan. This procedure will allow stable access of the best scientific and research personnel to the public agents of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System, subjecting them in all cases to an objective external evaluation four years after the signing of the corresponding employment contract, in order to assess, from multiple perspectives, the scientific performance developed over this period and thus allowing the retention of the best talent.

Subdirección General de Fondos Europeos para la Investigación, la Innovación y el Ámbito Universitario

P.º de la Castellana 162. 28046 Madrid

RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid
FINALIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO Registrar, gestionar y tramitar las consultas, quejas y sugerencias formuladas al Ministerio por la ciudadanía.
BASE JURÍDICA Artículo 6.1.c) del RGPD: el tratamiento es necesario para el cumplimiento de una obligación legal aplicable al responsable del tratamiento.
DERECHOS RECONOCIDOS Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de sus datos, y de limitación u oposición a su tratamiento, a través del Procedimiento de ejercicio derechos datos personales disponible en la sede electrónica del Ministerio. Si considera que no se han tratado sus datos personales de acuerdo con la normativa, puede dirigirse al Delegado de Protección de Datos o bien presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (
INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL Puede consultar información adicional en la Política de privacidad y protección de datos de la página web del Ministerio.