Mission Innovation

Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative, launched in 2015, involving 23 countries from around the world together with the European Commission, which aims to catalyse action and investment in research, development and demonstration to make clean energy affordable, attractive and accessible to everybody this decade. These actions will speed up progress towards the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the paths to climate neutrality in 2050. For the first 5 years, MI followed an Action Plan that enabled countries to increase their investments in clean energy innovation, increase international collaboration and strengthen private sector participation.

On 2 June 2021, Mission Innovation 2.0, a second phase of the initiative to intensify collective action and cooperation, was launched. Spain's formal membership in MI was announced within the framework of the Global Clean Energy Action Forum at the joint call of the 13th Clean Energy Ministerial and the 7th Mission Innovation in September 2022.

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) is leading Spanish participation in this initiative, in which it will work in coordination with other Ministries and Government institutions, such as the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, responsible for energy policy in Spain.

By participating in Mission Innovation 2.0, Spain will be able to share knowledge with other members by cooperating in areas in which it is active throughout the entire value chain and thus speed up the climate and energy transition in a more cost-effective way, which would not be possible without the synergies offered by international cooperation.

Mission Innovation
Mission Innovation



Missions are public-private innovation alliances to catalyse global action around ambitious innovation objectives that can lead to turning points in the cost and scaling of clean energy, leading to the faster adoption of technology. All are co-led by countries that have agreed to promote them and bring together alliances between countries, corporations, investors and research centres that set ambitious global objectives and provide impetus to ensure that more innovation is achieved progressively more quickly. There are currently 7 missions that guide their activities based on a 2030 Roadmap and an Action Plan that identifies and prioritises innovation challenges in each one. Spain initially participates in three of these missions: Green Powered Future, Clean Hydrogen and Urban Transitions.

Mission Innovation

In order to adequately address Spanish participation in and contribution to MI, both the Energy, Environment and Technology Research Centre (CIEMAT) and the Alliance for Energy Research and Innovation (ALINNE) have been involved, acting as the Technical Secretariat for Spanish participation (SecMI), encouraging frequent and close communication with energy technology platforms, national representatives in MI and acting as the focal point of the MCIU in the MI Secretariat.

Mission Innovation Animation


Secretaría General de Innovación (Mission Innovation)


Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (Mission Innovation)


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