Spanish Supercomputing and Data Network (RES)

The Spanish Supercomputing and Data Network (RES) was created in 2006 by the Ministry of Education and Science in response to the Spanish scientific community's need for increased computing capacity and access to compute-intensive resources, recognising supercomputing resources as a decisive asset for the country's scientific and technological development. Since 2020, it has combined supercomputing services with mass data storage services.

Main features

The RES is an infrastructure of supercomputers in different locations, each contributing to the total processing power available to users in the different R&D groups.

The 14 supercomputers that make up the national network are:

  • BSC-CNS computing and data node
  • Computing node of the University of Cantabria (UC)
  • Computing and data node of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC)
  • Computing and data node of the University of Valencia (UV)
  • Computing and data node of the University of Malaga (UMA)
  • Computing and data node of the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)
  • Computing and data node of the Supercomputing Centre of Castilla y León (SCAYLE)
  • Computing node of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
  • Cénits computing and data node
  • CESGA computing and data node
  • CSUC computing and data node
  • NASERTIC computing node
  • CIEMAT computing node
  • PIC data node


Barcelona Supercomputing Center

C/Jordi Girona, 31. 08034 Barcelona


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