Observatory for Women, Science and Innovation

Imagen Observatorio Mujeres

Observatory for Women, Science and Innovationes (OMCI) is an inter-ministerial collegial body responsible for analysing and monitoring and measuring impacts on the situation of women in the field of research, development and innovation; as well as encouraging, proposing, advising and promoting the implementation of public policies and actions in these areas to eliminate visible and invisible obstacles to real and effective gender equality; as well as promoting the improvement of the situation of women in the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The ultimate goal of the Observatory is to make two-fold progress towards gender equality in the fields of science, technology and innovation: in terms of the balanced presence of women and men in all fields and levels; and the cross-cutting integration of the gender perspective in R&D&I.

The Observatory is chaired by the Minister of Science and Innovation, has 22 offices and its members are represented by ten ministries: Defence; Education and Vocational Training; Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory; Work and Social Economy; Inclusion, Social Security and Migration; Territorial Policy and Public Service; Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation; Health; Equality, and Universities; and the most relevant agents in the fields of science, technology and innovation as well as equality.

Monitoring and assessment functions:

  • Collection and analysis of available information on equality between women and men in the fields of science, technology and research, as well as in the university environment with regard to research.
  • Collect, analyse, assess and disseminate systematic information on the situation of women in these fields.
  • Regular and systematic monitoring of the implementation and gender impact of the measures and actions of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and its agencies and institutions, as well as all agents of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System, in relevant areas related to gender equality in R&D&I, including: balanced presence; prevention and approach to sexual harassment and gender-based harassment in the workplace; reduction of the impact of unconscious assessment biases; integration of gender equality criteria in calls for public funds; integration of the gender dimension in science, technology and innovation projects and programmes.
  • Awareness of the Equality Plans of Public Research Organisations and the results of their annual monitoring.
  • Ensuring compliance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, strategies and plans.
  • Promoting studies and technical reports to diagnose the situation of female scientists, technologists and researchers in Spain.
  • Awareness of the actions carried out by the equality units at universities, insofar as these actions relate to the field of research and/or technology.

Report and proposal functions

  • Report all matters within its remit regarding equality.
  • Make recommendations and proposals aimed at improving indicators and information systems related to women in these areas.
  • Formulate recommendations and proposals aimed at improving the situation and visibility of female researchers, technologists and innovators and at eradicating gender inequalities detected in the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Propose the adoption of measures and the performance of actions by the agents of the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation, to make progress towards the balanced presence of women and men in all areas and levels, especially in decision-making.
  • Promote recommendations and measures to integrate the gender perspective in sectoral research, development and innovation policies (including strategies and plans), and in projects and programmes.
  • Propose scientific dissemination actions to enhance the visibility of current and past female scientists as references and to promote scientific professions amongst girls and adolescents, especially in STEM areas.
  • Promote actions to promote science, technology and innovation free from gender biases.

The Observatory also performs any other functions that contribute to the achievement of its objectives, as well as those entrusted to it by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in this area.

The Observatory for Women, Science and Innovation, for gender equality in the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System, was set up on 10 January 2019 and is regulated by Royal Decree 938/2020 of 27 October. Its work programme for the 2021-2022 period and the structure of commissions and working groups to facilitate its implementation were approved at a plenary meeting on 10 November 2020.

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