Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 requires compliance with certain aspects in the area of communication and publicity.
In the current period, it remains necessary to develop a communication strategy, monitor and evaluate the supporting measures, and disseminate these actions, highlighting good practices in the field of communication and presenting the best actions co-financed with European funds.
The Communication Strategy outlines specific objectives in this area, communication and publicity measures to achieve these objectives, and measures and obligations targeted at each of the identified groups: potential beneficiaries and beneficiaries of EU co-financing, disseminators and the general public.
The ERDF Managing Authority has drawn up a Communication Strategy for Spain's multi-regional operational programme (POPE). The General Secretary of Innovation, as an intermediate body, is responsible for implementing this Communication Strategy and complying with EU regulations on reporting and communication within the scope of its powers.
Each Agency with a Financial Path has information for its beneficiaries related to the communication of ERDF co-financing and communication indicators.