Technology platforms

The Technology Platforms are public-private teamwork structures led by industry, in which all actors in the Spanish Science-Technology-Innovation system involved in a technological field collaborate and coordinate their work to identify and prioritise technological, research and innovation needs in the medium or long term.

Its main objective is to achieve scientific and technological advances that ensure the competitiveness, sustainability and growth of our business fabric, aligning the strategies of the different actors and concentrating R&D&I efforts.

Technology Platform call

The aim of these grants is to create and consolidate Technological and Innovation Platforms by funding the following activities:

  1. Organisation of the Platform's Annual General Meeting.
  2. Information campaigns or themed conferences related to the Platform's activities.
  3. Preparation of documents related to the Platform's activity.
  4. Development of prospective studies and early-demand studies.
  5. Actions in the field of Collaboration Challenges with other platforms.
  6. Actions aimed at promoting technological cooperation and advice in the development of R&D&I projects.
  7. Promotion of participation in R&D&I internationalisation activities.

The State Research Agency (AEI) is responsible for managing these calls.

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