Knowledge transfer

The transfer and management of knowledge is one of the main priorities of the Spanish Science and Technology and Innovation Strategy, whose objectives are aligned with those set by the European Union in this area within the new framework programme for funding R&D&I activities.

In this context, a significant portion of the actions stemming from the objectives of the Spanish Science and Technology and Innovation Strategy seek to foster dialogue and communication between stakeholders in the system with a view to building trust through the creation of instruments that improve quality and legal certainty. This will ensure the strategic management of industrial and intellectual property rights, knowledge transfer, and commercialisation of research results and lay the foundations for the implementation of open innovation models.

Interaction between public research organisations, universities, technology centres and innovative companies will be encouraged to foster knowledge transfer and effective collaboration between stakeholders with the aim of promoting the transfer of knowledge and developing two-way links between science and business (especially SMEs) through the mutual understanding of needs and objectives.

Recommendation on Knowledge Transfer Management and Code of Best Practice C(2008) 1329

On 10 April 2008, the European Commission published Recommendation C(2008) 1329 on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations

Through this Recommendation, the Commission urges Member States to define or adopt policies or guidelines on the management of intellectual property and knowledge transfer.

In addition, it establishes a code of best practice for universities and other public research organisations concerning the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities. This code sets out three main principles relating to:

  • internal intellectual property policy
  • knowledge transfer policy
  • collaborative and contract research

This Recommendation helps Spanish universities and other public research bodies implement knowledge transfer policies. Every two years, the European Commission monitors the progress made in implementing this Recommendation.

Technology transfer sample contracts

Given the need for Spanish knowledge-generating entities and small and medium-sized enterprises to have technology transfer sample contracts that facilitate their interaction and develop two-way links between science and business, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities forms part of an initiative for the generation of technology transfer sample contracts, coordinated by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office and involving the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and LES Spain and Portugal (LES).

The available sample contracts and user guides in English and Spanish can be downloaded from the following links.


Consultas sobre Transferencia de Conocimiento

P.º de la Castellana 162. 28046 Madrid

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