SOCIB is managed by a consortium financed in equal parts by the General State Administration and the Government of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. Located in Palma de Mallorca, it has been operational since 2013. Located in Palma de Mallorca, it has been operational since 2013.
SOCIB's activity is focused on the Western Mediterranean, including the Balearic Islands and adjacent areas (e.g. Alboran Sea, Algerian Sea, etc.). Its strategic position, situated close to the transition between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, makes it one of the world's biodiversity "hotspots".
SOCIB is formed by a network of facilities and equipment dedicated to marine observation, acquisition, processing, analysis, operational numerical modelling and dissemination of multidisciplinary information on the marine environment on a systematic and regular basis.
The combined use of different observation systems (oceanographic catamaran, high-frequency radars, autonomous underwater vehicles, buoys, ARGO profilers, etc.), the prediction systems and data assimilation tools and the computerised data management and distribution system provides a complete and comprehensive description of the physical and biogeochemical properties of marine and coastal systems and their evolution.