This distributed ICTS provides services in the field of molecular and functional imaging, as well as advanced and high-performance imaging.
REDIB consists of the following infrastructures:
Molecular and Functional Imaging Platform (CIC-biomaGUNE)
This facility, located in San Sebastian and an integral part of the biomaGUNE Biomaterials Cooperative Research Centre, officially opened in 2006. It features a variety of equipment, including a cyclotron capable of producing diverse positron-emitting isotopes, a fully equipped radiochemistry laboratory with versatile automated synthesis modules and state-of-the-art quality control equipment, a hybrid PET/CT (positron emission tomography-computed tomography) scanner, a hybrid SPECT/CT (single photon emission tomography-computed tomography) scanner with energy discrimination, two high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners (11.7 and 7 Tesla), and a fluorescence imaging machine. The facilities also include an animal facility focusing on small rodents.
Advanced Translational Imaging Infrastructure (TRIMA-CNIC)
The facilities included in this infrastructure are located at the Carlos III National Centre for Cardiovascular Research in Madrid and have been fully operational since 2010. They are organised into three platforms: molecular and functional imaging, advanced imaging and high-performance imaging. The Molecular and Functional Imaging Unit provides optical and fluorescence microscopy services and develops new imaging applications to achieve molecular details in large samples such as organs and whole organisms. It also develops special applications such as large-area imaging, cell tracking, shape recognition, multi-colour imaging and 3D and 4D colocalization. The Advanced Imaging Unit offers five types of state-of-the-art organ imaging technologies: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), hybrid imaging using micro-computed tomography (CT) fusion and nuclear imaging-positron emission tomography (PET), PET/MRI imaging, ultrasound and optics (2D and 3D fluorescence and luminescence). In addition, it features a dedicated nanotechnology and organic chemistry laboratory that produces multifunctional nanoparticles and a radiochemistry laboratory that supplies radiotracers for the preclinical imaging techniques available at the centre. The High-Performance Imaging Unit is a fully automated infrastructure offering cutting-edge flow cytometry technology to simultaneously measure multiple optical features of individual particles or cells in a suspension. It also performs high-content screening for drug discovery and functional genomics approaches using siRNA libraries.
Bioimaging Unit at the Complutense University of Madrid (BioImaC)
BioImagin is located at the Moncloa Campus of the Complutense University of Madrid. Its dedicated preclinical imaging equipment includes the following: Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines at three field strengths: 0.23 T (open MRI for large animals), 1 T (7.6 cm diameter, with the possibility of self-service use by researchers on request), and 4.7 T (40 cm tunnel diameter, for maximum versatility for studying different animals and performing in vivo spectroscopy). Micro-PET/CT equipment. It also has conventional radiology and fluoroscopy equipment for large animals and ultrasound equipment, all of which are housed in a veterinary hospital facility. BioImaC also provides an ex vivo NMR spectroscopy service for biopsies and semi-solid matrices at 11.7 T (HR-MAS probe). It also has certified facilities for the housing of small experimental animals. In addition, it currently has an agreement with a private company for the supply of 18F (cyclotron) and radiochemistry laboratories for the synthesis of PET radiotracers, thereby increasing geographical distribution in terms of open access availability of radiotracers throughout Spain.
Medical Imaging Unit of La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital (Imaging La Fe)
The Medical Imaging Unit of La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital in Valencia is composed of the Biomedical Imaging Research Group (GIBI230) and the Experimental Radiology and Imaging Biomarkers Platform (PREBI). Its mission is to promote and develop the use of imaging techniques and biomarkers to optimise the diagnostic and therapeutic efficiency of medical imaging through a multidisciplinary and multimodal approach in clinical care research and animal experimentation.