Technology Centre of the Institute of Optoelectronic Systems (CT-ISOM)

The Institute of Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology (ISOM) has been attached to the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) since 2000. It is an interdepartmental research institute based at the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, with several research teams conducting projects in the areas of optoelectronics and micro/nanotechnology.

The ISOM has 400 m2 of clean rooms, 300 m2 of characterisation laboratories equipped with centralised air conditioning and 200 m2 of instrumentation and electronics laboratories. The facilities include a room for industrial cooperation and technology transfer and an external services management office.

The ISOM Technology Centre was officially recognised as a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology in 2001. Its mission is to provide technology, processing and characterisation services to the Spanish and European scientific and technological communities.


  • Optical communications
  • Systems with magnetic sensors
  • Simulation of non-metallic materials
  • Microsystems and nanotechnology
  • Systems with optical sensors

Central de Tecnología del Instituto de Sistemas Opto-electrónicos (CT-ISOM)

E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación (UPM). Edificio López Araújo. Avda. Complutense 30. 28040 Madrid.

910 672 573

RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid
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