The Transfer and Collaboration Plan: science and innovation at the service of society was created with the aim of strengthening the links between the public and private sectors in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) to increase the socioeconomic impact of public investment in research and to promote Spanish companies' innovation capacities.
The Plan is structured around 3 lines of action and includes 15 measures:
- The first line of action focuses on transferring the knowledge generated in the public research system to companies, the public sector and society through different channels such as the creation of new companies, patent licences, dissemination of publications and scientific advice.
- The second line of action includes measures to promote the collaboration of companies with universities, other higher education centres and public research centres during the knowledge generation phase, not only through occasional collaborative projects for innovation, but also through new, more ambitious public-private partnership models, as well as through the mobility of research personnel and citizen science.
- The third line of action is cross-cutting and aims to improve the training of research, technical and management personnel in terms of knowledge valorisation, as well as promoting the ecosystem's connections, paying special attention to the role of technology centres, knowledge transfer offices and other intermediate agents and platforms that help the actors in the innovation system interact.
The Plan proposes new initiatives and strengthens actions initiated in the last two years, many of which are part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), and serves as support for recent regulatory reforms such as the Science, Technology and Innovation Act (LCTI), the Startup Ecosystem Promotion Act and the University System Act (LOSU).
The implementation will initially be in two phases. In the first phase, until the end of 2023, the plan's essential measures will be launched and the monitoring criteria established. During the second phase, until 2025, all planned initiatives will be implemented, additional measures will be initiated, where appropriate, and results will be evaluated with the aim of introducing the necessary reforms and consolidating the most effective measures to continue beyond 2025.
The aim is for the spirit of this Plan to last over time, incorporating new medium and long term initiatives that contribute to achieving the targets set.