Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Universities
- The Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Universities is entrusted, in general, with the following functions:
- The management and development of policies in the field of science, innovation and universities.
- The design, planning and management of the policy of scholarships and study grants in the fields of science, innovation and universities.
- The promotion and coordination of relations with the Autonomous Communities, universities and local authorities in the field of science, innovation and universities.
- The preparation of proposals for general provisions in matters within their remit, as well as relations and consultations with the Autonomous Communities, universities and interested legal and natural persons during their processing.
- Duties proper to the role as a National Authority linked to the Erasmus+ program.
- The management of Operational Programmes co-financed by European funds in the field of science, innovation and universities.
- The strategic management of the State Research Agency.
- The promotion of policies of equality, non-discrimination and universal accessibility, promotion of actions and activities to learn about the situation of women with respect to the situation of men and the effect of the public policies implemented affecting female researchers, technologists or scientists in relation to their development, implementation and impact, as well as the promotion of women's participation in the field of science, innovation and universities.
- The management of international relations, monitoring of EU actions and the definition of international cooperation programmes in the field of science, innovation and universities.
- Cooperation with Autonomous Communities and local authorities in science policy, innovation and universities.
- Relations and coordination with the collegiate bodies under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
- The promotion of the European Higher Education Area and the Ibero-American Knowledge Area, in coordination with the Spanish Autonomous Service Agency for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE).
- The coordination, promotion and monitoring of international cooperation and international relations.
- Powers in the field of international treaties, international administrative agreements, non-regulatory agreements and advice on Spanish participation in international organisations in higher education matters.
- The coordination of actions in the field of higher university education.
- The coordination of Spanish participation in the development and monitoring of European policies in the field of R&D&I and knowledge transfer.
- The coordination of the international activity of territorial Public Administrations in the field of external university educational action.
- International cooperation, knowledge transfer, coordination of the Spanish position in international forums and a proposal to appoint those who must represent Spain in international organisations in the field of research.
- Administrative support to the Observatory for Women, Science and Innovation.
This General Secretariat consists of the following governing bodies:
- General Secretariat for Research.
- General Secretariat for Universities.
- General Secretariat for Innovation.
- PERTE Commissioner for Leading Healthcare.
- Directorate General for Planning, Coordination and Knowledge Transfer.
- General Subdirectorate for Institutional Relations and International Coordination.
The following are attached to this Secretary of State:
Secretary of State: Mr. Juan Cruz Cigudosa
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