Investment 1. Complementary plans with the Autonomous Regions

One of the improvements in governance introduced, both in the reform of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation and in the EECTI, is a new mechanism for implementing R&D policies coordinated between the State and the Autonomous Communities: the Complementary Plans with the Autonomous Communities.

The Complementary Plans are collaborations with the Autonomous Regions in R&D actions in which common priorities of the state plan and regional plans converge, allowing synergies to be established in strategic areas reflected in the state and regional Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3). The aim is to create synergies, align the implementation of funds, and establish common priorities.

8 Areas of scientific-technical interest have been selected within the EECTI lines: Quantum Communication, Energy and Green Hydrogen, Agrifood, Biodiversity, Astrophysics and High Energy Physics, Marine Science, Advanced Materials, and Biotechnology in Health.

In order to build territorial synergies, the Complementary Plans envisage the participation of several Autonomous Regions in a programme, with the possibility of participating in several projects. This allows for the use of unique capacities and infrastructures, together with the possible participation of companies. The programmes will have a duration of 2-3 years, with co-financing commitments and co-governance mechanisms, enhancing territorial economic transformation.

The objective is to sign 4 collaboration agreements in 2021 in 4 of the areas of interest and another 4 in 2022 covering the rest of the scientific-technical areas.


Planes Complementarios

Secretaría General de Investigación

RESPONSABLE DEL TRATAMIENTO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. División de Atención al Ciudadano, Transparencia y Publicaciones. P.º de la Castellana, 162, 28046 Madrid
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